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eWorkbook for Habits And New Goals TalkShow by ELANggovan V2021r3 RM 100.00

Posted By Talk Show KNOWLEDGE RHYTHM on 07/10/2021 2:29 PM

eWorkbook for Habits And New Goals TalkShow by ELANggovan V2021r3
Address Kuala Lumpur Online Event 58000 US


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PROGRAM TITLE: Habits & New Goals for the Corporate Community

BY: ELANggovn Thanggavilo, Technologist and Psychologist


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Habits are the nature of Cosmic Library, Universe Memory. Habits are a redundant set of automatic unconscious thoughts behaviors and emotions acquire through repetition

These are essence practices and became corporate policy and sop for world’s successful leading organization including 500 fortune company.

There are known and unknown habits build into the individual system through various mediums such as personal involvement or via just seeing or hearing with contemplating thinking process.  Habits building starts from mother’s womb and it continue.  Habits can express as emotion experience and craft psychosomatic sickness to a level of physical changes known as diseases. Ideally individually must progress energetically, positively, healthier and towards grand elite living standard, It happens easily if greater Habits build within.  Together with the current right attitude and good aptitude.

Habits also related to Circadian Rhythm means 24 hours clock base biological body functionality and Intrinsic Muscles means a spot of past motion and urine related organ which anus and ureters.  The pineal photoreceptor cells function autonomously with strong rhythmic patterns and known as 3rd eye function as inner vision. Normal eyes give an outer vision of all physically formed matter.

Businesses demanding multiple competency requirements including Critical thinking, Creativity, People management, Teamwork, Emotional intelligence, Judgment and decision-making, Service Orientation, Negotiation, Cognitive flexibility, Conscious Leadership.  Individually may require New Goals for Physical, Intellectual, Emotional, Character, Spiritual, Relationships, Romantic, Parenting, Career Business, Financial, Quality of life, Life Vision, Social.  New Goals meaning New Process, New Challenges, required New Neuron Pathway for Brain to operate.  Brain in nature prefers to operate via SCM and execute existing Habit-related process which it’s already familiar and predictable activities and till the results.  Why Habits overtakes the New Thinking created for New Goals?  Let’s learn simple proven process to moderate Habits. Changing Personality is a process to Changes Personal Reality.

5W's and 1H (Who, What, When Where, Why and How?) about Habits will be exposed.  A free workbook is given to construct a New Process. You can reorganize Habits relevant to New Goals.


  1. What is Habit? Where it’s forming? When it’s created? Who designs Habits?

  2. What is and how is BRAIN, THINKING, MIND, CONSCIOUS, EMOTION functioning?

  3. How Atom, Wave, Energy, Frequency, Magnetic Field, Sound, Light forms Universe?

  4. How the manifestation process operates via Thought, Feeling, Desire, Intention, Action, Belief, and Result?

  5. Stimulus ~ Respond, Memory ~ Emotion, Thought ~ Feeling.

  6. Experience affects thinking and molding emotional feeling creates each new Habit.

  7. How to Scan SubConscious Mind to track, edit, add, delete Habits?

  8. What are New Goals and how it’s important for an individual as well as corporate?

  9. New era competency requirements including Critical thinking, Creativity, People management, Teamwork, Emotional intelligence, Judgment and decision-making, Service Orientation, Negotiation, Cognitive flexibility.

  10. New Goals for Physical, Intellectual, Emotional, Character, Spiritual, Relationships, Romantic, Parenting, Career Business, Financial, Quality of life, Life Vision, Social.

  11. How to Get People on Board with Change? (New Goals is usually uncomfortable feeling on Change process results unsuccessful corporate transformation)

  12. What are the lists of sequences required to successfully execute action plans matching New Goals with Habits Cooperation?



ELANggovan was born in a royal town called Klang, Selangor, Malaysia.  Through family generation, heritage world’s oldest, biggest, and pure scientific Tamil Civilization essence.

Have acquired universe secrets including 118 super formula, oldest healthcare Tamil Siddhar, Yoga expert. a registered prime member of Traditional Complementary Medicine A division in Ministry of Health Malaysia.

Evolved as Software Engineer at age of 14, Conscious Expert at age of 18.  Innovator and cofounder of UniqueYellowPages.Com (UYP).  World’s first Intrinsic “Saathvic” international online directory web app with 75+ niche features.

Designer of the UK’s best legal firm software (LawFirmSys) since 1999.  Software Project Consultant for National Accountant (Akauntan Negara) SAGA to Labuan Development Authority. Consultant for Ministry of Education Malaysia for Math & Sciences e-Learning project.

Inventor of The Seven Secrets Rhythm (T7SR) the world’s first intrinsic “brain” training methodology.  Inventor of VGENIUST for School students, 7E for Parents and 7P for teachers. Inventor of 7G for College University students, lecture, management staff. Inventor of MINDPRENEURSHIP for Entrepreneurs and Chief levels and above faculty.

Habits & Vision coaching expert.  In 2017 obtained ASEAN 50 TOP BUSINESS AWARDS from International Business Federation, Singapore.  In 2018 nominated GLOBAL LEADERSHIP SPEAKER by OXFORD Experts. In 2019 nominated for THOUGHTLEADER® SUMMIT & QUILLY® AWARDS in California USA.  Writes articles that are frequently published by BERNAMA, RADIO24, Sinar Harian, The Star, The Borneo Daily Sabah, Tamil Nesan, Malaysia Nanban, and Makkal Osai & Utusan.  Distinguished speaker in various conference.

Some of his corporate clients who benefited are MPC, Sunchirin Industries (M) Berhad, MEPS, Sarawak Energy Berhad, UEBERLEAP Academy Malaysia, Economic and Business Foundation (Tanzania) Ltd, MOE, AC Interactive Solution Sdn Bhd, MKRS Group of Company, NIOSH, UTAR, MMLM, FMM, KPJ, BERNAMA, LINCOLN UNIVERSITY, SEAGATE, UMP, USM, MIHRM, TM, SILVERLAKE, PTPTN, JUSCO, OHARA JAPAN, HRDF, AIA, MCIS ZURICH, ING and SUNRISE INSTITUTE.  More info at

Tags: elanggovan, intrinsic, talk show, coaching, workbook, habits and new goals, corporate community, brain training, master mind master life

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Kuala Lumpur Online Event , 58000 United States

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