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Social Media Marketing Training Course

Posted By Vibeup Training & Development Mohan Ecopreneur on 17/12/2020 2:13 PM
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Description: Social media marketing (SMM) is the use of social media websites and social networks to market a company's products and services. Social media marketing provides companies with a way to reach new customers, engage with existing customers, and promote their desired culture, mission, or tone.

For whom needed: Students, Employers, Employees, Entrepreneurs, Business Owner, Teachers, Tutors, Trainers, Coaches, Dropshipers, Influencers, and anyone who seeks Social Media presence.  







Chapter 1: Introduction to Social Media Marketing

To know how social media has evolved over time.

To know the different types of social media platforms.

To know how social media has disrupted traditional marketing.

To learn advantages and disadvantages of social media.

To learn the most commonly used social media metrics.

To understand why social media marketing is important.

To understand the benefits of social media marketing.

·   Able understand basic social media platforms and social media marketing

·   Able to understand the benefits of social media marketing


Chapter 2: Personal Branding

To be able to define Branding Goals & Areas of Expertise

To develop a Strong Brand Statement

To establish a Personal Branding Strategy

To ensure Consistency in Brand Voice, Image, and Tone

·   Able to do self-image analysis

·   Able to build & show yourself

·   Able to stand out from crowd






Chapter 3: Social Media Marketing Strategy

To be able to Identify a target market and creating personas

To establish goals, objectives and metrics

To establish a Personal Branding Strategy

To ensure Consistency in Brand Voice, Image, and Tone

·   Able to build and Share Great Content

·   Able to update Your Profile Links Regularly & Import Your Contacts

·   Able to take Advantage of Social Media Features

·   Being active and responsive on social media channels

·   Joining Niche Groups


Chapter 4: Marketing with Facebook , Instagram, YouTube, Twitter, Pinterest, LinkedIn

To learn the business value of using each social media platform for marketing

To be able to create and optimize business profiles on each platform

To understand how the algorithms, work on each platform

To implement a social media content strategy on each

·   Able to create biz profile in different social media platforms

·   Able to understand basic social media algorithm

·   Able to implement social media content strategy


Chapter 5: Blogs, Vlogs, Podcasts and Webinars

To learn how to write, format and optimize blog posts

To understand the benefits of and how to market with blogs, vlogs, podcasts and webinars

·   Able to write blog posts

·   Able to understand the benefits and plan blog, vlog, podcast strategies


Chapter 6: Social Media Marketing Campaigns

To learn the campaign concept

To learn the importance of integrated marketing communications

To understand about social media marketing campaign

To take steps before, during and after

·   Able to show integrated communication

·   Able to understand different campaigns

·   Able take steps according to different phase of campaigns


Chapter 7: Influencer Marketing with Social Media

To identify and define the types influencers.

To learn about power of influencer marketing.

To understand  the benefits of influencer marketing with social media.

·   Able to do self-image analysis

·   Able to build & show yourself

·   Able to stand out from crowd


Chapter 8: Social Media Advertising

To know about social media advertising

To understand benefits of social media advertising

To create a social media advertising strategy for a real business

To learn the best practices for social media advertising

·   Able to do social media ads

·   Able to do targeting options, ad objectives, types of ads, how bidding works, and how to measure ads on each of the social media platforms

·   Able to practice social media advertising



Tags: training, social media marketing, facebook, instagram, linkedin

Price: RM 399.00RM 699.00 42.92% Off

Total Saving on this item RM 300.00
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